1·I am an ardent fan of the TV series the Big Idea.
2·Just as business and science reporters avoid economic and business jargon, sportswriters should avoid terms that only the most ardent fan or coach would know.
3·Even the most ardent drama fan needs a break from the theatre every now and then, so recently I've been attending some classical music concerts.
4·When I spoke to him, he revealed that he doesn't actually support Spurs but merely loves winding up Professor Du Sautoy, who is an ardent Arsenal fan.
当我跟他谈话时,他透露说他实际上不是支持马刺队,只不过是想给热心的阿森纳球迷Du Sautoy教授清盘。
5·ABSTRACT: There are several white wines that go above and beyond style that is worthy of even the most ardent red wine fan.